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How To Winterize Your Jet Ski For Winter

Prepare your jet ski for winter storage with our comprehensive guide on how to winterize a jet ski. In this post, we unveil the essential steps to safeguard your watercraft when the weather gets cold. From preservation of the fuel system to protection of the engine and hull, we provide expert guidance to ensure your jet ski remains in prime condition for the summer months.

Don’t be caught off guard by the frosty season. Follow our tips to protect your investment and return seamlessly to the water once temperatures rise.

Key Takeaways

  • Winterizing a jet ski is a comprehensive process. Follow our step-by-step guide and refer to the checklist provided.
  • Winterizing is important for protecting your jet ski against the cold and preserving it during extended periods of disuse over the winter.
  • Winterizing a jet ski is a DIY job that requires a few readily-available tools and materials.
  • We supply high-quality jet ski covers that play an integral role in winterization by protecting against the elements and other environmental threats.

How To Winterize A Jet Ski

The winter season poses some specific threats to your jet ski, so we have composed a comprehensive walkthrough to give you the steps it takes to protect your watercraft when the mercury plummets. From preparing the fuel system to battery maintenance and applying a high-quality jet ski cover, our guide will ensure you are ready to hit the water again once the spring arrives. Read on for a step-by-step guide to winterize your jet ski and keep it in top condition for its next use.

a jet ski on the water for how to winterize jet ski

Step 1: Cleaning And Maintenance

In the lead-up to winter, spend some time inspecting, maintaining, and cleaning your jet ski to prepare for winter storage. Start by thoroughly examining the hull for any signs of damage and addressing repairs immediately. You should follow this with meticulous cleaning, removing salt, debris, and other contaminants that could cause corrosion.

In order to carry out a thorough inspection, it can be helpful to elevate the jet ski so that you can look over its components thoroughly. You could take it for a professional jet ski service for the best possible inspection at this stage.

Step 2: Fuel System Preparation

The next step to ensure a smooth hibernation of your jet ski is to stabilize its fuel system. This will help protect that crucial system against the low temperatures of winter, as well as non-use, ensuring a trouble-free start when the warmer months return.

  1. Start by adding a high-quality fuel stabilizer to a full tank.
  2. Run the engine for several minutes so that the treated fuel can circulate through the system. This prevents fuel breakdown and varnish formation during non-use.
  3. Consider also adding a fuel system cleaner to eliminate deposits. Run the engine against to spread the cleaner through all components.

Once you have completed these steps, disconnect the fuel line and allow the engine to run until it exhausts the remaining fuel.

Step 3: Lubrication And Engine Care

Shield your jet ski engine from winter corrosion by applying the appropriate lubricants. You must identify the correct lubricants for various components to ensure your jet ski engine remains in prime condition when the warm seasons arrive.

  1. Start by spraying a marine-grade corrosion inhibitor on all external metal surfaces for a creative barrier against the elements.
  2. Inject fogging oil directly into the engine’s air intake whilst running to provide internal protection. This will coat internal components with a thin, corrosion-resistant film.
  3. Lubricate all moving parts like the throttle and steering cables to prevent stiffness.

These simple measures are an important part of your jet ski winterization routine.

Step 4: Battery Maintenance

You can preserve your jet ski battery during winter storage, and this is an important part of ensuring a hassle-free return to the water. Before you put the jet ski into storage, you should disconnect the battery and place it on a maintenance charger to prevent depletion. Check the charge level regularly and top it up as required. Ensure all electrical systems are deactivated to prevent phantom drain.

If you choose to store the battery separately from the jet ski, keep it in a cool, dry place. Be sure to charge it periodically to maintain optimal performance. Doing these things will keep your jet ski battery in optimal condition so that it is ready to power up when the winter comes to an end.

Step 5: Storage And Covering

You need to store your jet ski in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Moisture can lead to the formation of things like:

  • Mold and mildew
  • Rust

This is why storage location is important. It is also very worthwhile to invest in a high-quality jet ski cover to protect against the elements. This is particularly important if you have to store your watercraft outdoors, so look for all the necessary weather defenses plus breathability and an optimal fit. We supply outstanding jet ski, ATV, and snowmobile covers offering a range of reliable protections, so explore our products for the best possible winter protection for your jet ski.

Step 6: Winterization Checklist

Here is a simple checklist for how to winterize a jet ski, breaking down the above into a digestible format:

  • Examine the hull for damage and address accordingly.
  • Meticulously wash the jet ski.
  • Consider a professional service.
  • Run fuel stabilizer through the engine with a full tank.
  • (Optional) Run a fuel system cleaner through as well.
  • Spray marine-grade corrosion inhibitor on all metal surfaces.
  • Inject fogging oil into the air intake whilst running.
  • Lubricate all moving parts with appropriate lubricants.
  • Disconnect the battery and store in a cool, dry place. Charge periodically.
  • Apply a high-quality, all-weather jet ski cover to your watercraft and store in a cool, dry location.

Make sure you check off every item on this list. This is what wintering a jet ski consists of, and every single step is important.

What Does Winterizing A Jet Ski Consist Of?

Winterizing a jet ski consists of taking every possible measure to protect your jet ski against the cold and preserve its integrity while it is not being used. It starts with servicing the watercraft to ensure it is in good condition. Then you must systematically prepare the fuel system, the engine, the battery, and the jet ski itself for storage.

When not in use, fuel systems can seize up, moving parts can become stiff, and the battery can drain. To winterize a jet ski, you need to protect against all these things, and ensure the jet ski itself is safe from the risks of mildew and corrosion by storing it effectively.


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Can You Winterize Your Own Jet Ski?

Jet ski winterization can be a DIY job with proper guidance and the right tools and materials. As we have mentioned, the process involves steps like:

  • Fuel system stabilization
  • Engine preservation
  • Thorough cleaning

These are all things you can do yourself by purchasing the lubricants and other resources needed for your jet ski. You can also invest in a reliable jet ski cover from a trusted purveyor of car, van, and motorcycle covers that also specializes in jet skis.

Everything you need to effectively winterize a jet ski is readily available, and it is an enjoyable and rewarding task to carry out yourself. The only thing that you will need professional help with, if you choose to do it, is to have a jet ski service carried out.

Dealing With Winterization In Saltwater Environments

If a jet ski is used in saltwater environments, there are some unique challenges to winterization due to the corrosive nature of salt. With that in mind, there is additional importance to thoroughly cleaning the jet ski to ensure no salt deposits remain anywhere on the craft.

Focus on areas like:

  • The engine
  • Steering
  • Exhaust system

Once you are confident that all are clean, apply a corrosion inhibitor or other protective coating to vulnerable metal surfaces. Then, flush the cooling system with fresh water to eliminate any saltwater residue.

Moving parts should be lubricated as usual, and you should carefully inspect the jet pump for signs for salt-related wear. Effective winterization is particularly important in saltwater environments as corrosion is an even bigger risk.


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When Should You Winterize Your Jet Ski

The best time to winterize your jet ski is before the temperatures bottom out and winter sets in. Aim to ensure you have everything done before freezing temperatures arrive - late fall is usually the right time. This is a proactive approach that ensures your jet ski is safeguarded against the cold and other threats during winter storage.

Early winterizing will ensure you don’t encounter any frozen components when you get started. Make sure your jet ski cover is clean and ready to apply before the winter chill and give yourself ample time to clean, inspect, and prepare your jet ski. This way, winterization will be simple and storage will be successful.

Regular Vs. Extended Winterization

The preservation strategies for short-term and long-term winterization of jet skis varies depending on the duration of storage. Short-term winterization is categorized as preparing to store for a few weeks or months, and it emphasizes cleaning, fuel stabilization, and battery maintenance. Essentially, the steps listed in this article are the necessary steps for regular winterization. A full tank with a fuel stabilizer will prevent varnish build-up, and taking care of the battery will ensure a swift return to the water.

Extended winterization, spanning more than just a few months, puts greater emphasis on the engine maintenance. Engine fogging, lubrication of moving parts, and thorough corrosion prevention come to the fore. It is wise to do an extended winterization process even for regular winterization, but you can get away with a little less work for shorter durations.


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Post-Winterization Maintenance

Revitalize your jet ski in preparation for the return of the riding season with a little post-winterization maintenance. Here’s what you can do:

  • Inspect the hull for any signs of mildew or dirt and clean thoroughly.
  • Ensure the battery is fully charged before you reconnect it.
  • Check fuel lines, filters, and the fuel system.
  • Apply lubricant to the moving parts again, including the throttle and steering cables.
  • Check the engine, verifying oil levels and system function.

It’s helpful to run the engine briefly every couple of weeks to circulate fluids and ensure everything is operating correctly. A little post-winterization maintenance will help you keep your jet ski in prime condition for when you next hit the water.

Common Winterization Mistakes To Avoid

Avoid these common mistakes as you winterize your jet ski to ensure you get the best possible results from this process:

  • Neglecting thorough cleaning, leaving salt and contaminants in place.
  • Skipping fuel stabilization, resulting in varnish build-up.
  • Failing to disconnect the battery, risking depletion.
  • Ignoring lubrication of moving parts, inviting stiffness and wear.
  • Choosing an improper storage location.
  • Applying a jet ski cover to a wet craft.
  • Choosing the wrong type of jet ski cover.

Steer clear of these errors and follow a comprehensive winterization process to give yourself a seamless return to the water when winter ends.


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Emergency Winterization

Cold snaps can come on unexpectedly, prompting emergency winterization of jet skis. This must be done quickly, and you may need to focus only on the main priorities with limited time.

  1. Drain water from the cooling system
  2. Disconnect the battery.
  3. Apply a fuel stabilizer and run it through the system.
  4. Lubricate key components like the throttle and steering cables.
  5. If possible, apply a jet ski cover and store it somewhere dry and sheltered.

Our waterproof, breathable covers can provide robust protection against the elements for short periods. If you really don’t have time to do the other things, make sure you cover your jet ski with our Premium Edition polypropylene cover and store it somewhere out of the cold until you are able to perform a more comprehensive winterization process.

Frequently Asked Questions About Winterizing Jet Ski

Winterizing a jet ski consists of cleaning it to remove corrosive elements, addressing any minor damage, stabilizing the fuel system, lubricating the engine, caring for the battery and storing safely with a high-quality cover.

Start by cleaning meticulously and repairing any minor damage. You must then implement a fuel stabilizer, lubricate all moving parts, disconnect the battery and apply a protective cover before putting the jet ski into storage.